
Not all women menstruate, and not all people who menstruate are women: New research on trans and nonbinary menstruation

June 5, 2023

Together with colleagues Rowena Kosher and Lauren C. Houghton from Columbia University, Inga Winkler has published a new open access article on "MANstruation: A cyberethnography of linguistic strategies of trans and nonbinary menstruators." 

Professor Tibor Tajti delivers "The Short-Lived Hungarian Floating Security and the Scottish Experiences with the Floating Charge" presentation in Scotland

May 30, 2023

As part of a comparative law book project devoted to floating and enterprise securities, Professor Tibor Tajti has delivered a presentation entitled ’The Short-Lived Hungarian Floating Security and the Scottish Experiences with the Floating Charge’ at the Law School of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland (UK) on 24th of May 2023. The provisional title of the book to come out in spring 2024 is “Floating Charges in Comparative Perspective”.

The EU Human Rights Law and Policy class visits the EU Fundamental Rights Agency in Vienna

May 26, 2023

On 24 May 2023 students on the course EU Human Rights Law and Policy, accompanied by Dr Marie-Pierre Granger, went for the study visit to the EU Fundamental Rights Agency in Vienna.

SJD candidate Mark Warren publishes article in University of Bologna Law Review

May 11, 2023

SJD candidate Mark Warren considers one aspect of the potential design of a future central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the Eurozone in his article published in the University of Bologna Law Review, titled "Let the Digital Euro Circulate: Introducing a Retail C.B.D.C. in the Eurozone With Unlimited Holdings by Users".

Sumesh Shiwakoty (HR MA '23) Participated in the Clinton Global Initiative conference in Nashville, Tennessee

May 9, 2023

The Department of Legal Studies is glad to announce that our student Sumesh Shiwakoty recently traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) annual meeting.