LEGS Students visit the Austrian Constitutional Court

June 5, 2023

Students of the Legal Department of Central European University visited the Austrian Constitutional Court, known as being the first centralized constitutional court in the world. It is the raw model and the origin of a design of judicial review that has travelled around the globe ever since.  

Presidential Director Dr. Winsauer spoke words of welcome to the students and the Head of the President's Office and Deputy Presidential Director Mag. Bruckmüller gave an introduction into the tasks of the court, its composition, and its work processes. She was complemented by Prof. Dr. Pauser, who explained the history of the Court and the special role of Hans Kelsen in it. The afternoon was rounded off by a visit to the Kelsen exhibition in the Juridicum. Dr Wedrac from the University of Vienna embedded Kelsen's legal world of thought in the historical context of the Habsburg Empire and the period after the First World War. 

