Mba Defends Doctoral Dissertation with Top Grade

December 5, 2018

The Department of Legal Studies is proud to share that on 28 November 2018 Dr. Sanford Mba successfully defended his SJD dissertation titled:

New Financing for Distressed Businesses in the Context of Restructuring: Comparing approaches from the US, UK and Germany, with Lessons for Nigeria and other Frontier Markets.

Sanford’s dissertation argues for the importance of new financing in aiding the restructuring of distressed but viable businesses. Adopting a comparative approach, it evaluates US, UK and German regulatory techniques for incentivizing lending and balancing the needs of debtors and creditors, examining major issues such as the impacts of these regimes on small and medium-sized enterprises, the role of the distressed debt market, and the potential for lender capture. It applies the lessons drawn from this comparative exploration to the Nigerian context, suggesting reforms to the current legal system based on best practices. The project was supervised by Professor Tibor Tajti (Chair of the International Business Law program at CEU’s Department of Legal Studies).

The Committee was chaired by Professor Tajti, with Professor Jennifer Payne (Oxford University, Faculty of Law), Professor Attila Menyhárd (Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Law) and Professor Jessica Lawrence (CEU, Legal Studies) serving as external and internal members.

After an oral defense the work was awarded the rank of summa cum laude.

Congratulations and bon courage with your future steps!

