Just published: Berihun Gebeye on A Theory of African Constitutionalism

September 15, 2021

Dr. Berihun Gebeye’s, a CEU graduate with an LLM in Human Rights and an SJD in Comparative Constitutional Law, book ‘A Theory of African Constitutionalism’ has been recently published.

The book asks and seeks to answer why we need a new theoretical framework for African constitutionalism and how this could offer us better theoretical and practical tools with which to understand, improve, and assess African constitutionalism on its own terms.

‘In his artful exposition of the uneasy yet fascinating intersection of ideals and principles of modern constitutionalism with colonial legacies, ethnic tensions, legal plurality, and political realities of state-building and constitution-making in Africa, Berihun Gebeye produced a unique, ground-breaking work that makes an indispensable contribution to comparative constitutional studies, and to our understanding of constitutional development beyond the West.’ – Ran Hirschl, Professor of Political Science and Law, University of Toronto

‘This is a ground-breaking book, which provides a powerful argument for a theory of African constitutionalism built on the history and experience of modern African states. …’ – Kate O’Regan, Director of the Bonavero Institute of Human rights, University of Oxford, and former judge of the South African Constitutional Court

“Berihun Gebeye has written a comprehensive, ambitious, and sophisticated account of constitutionalism in Africa that rejects both the standard account of liberal constitutionalism and pluralist accounts of constitutionalism in Africa. …’ – Adrienne Stone, Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor, Melbourne Law School

“The book is a must-read and an important reference resource for constitutional comparatists, legal scholars, and policy makers on contemporary trends in constitutionalism in Africa. …’ – Charles Manga Fombad, Professor of Comparative African Constitutional Law, Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa



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