Felipe Rusinque

Year of Enrollment: 

Felipe is an SJD candidate since 2023. His main research interests include international commercial arbitration, contract law, private international law, and comparative private law. His doctoral dissertation analyses the validity and enforceability of asymmetric arbitration clauses from a doctrinal and comparative perspective.

Before joining the Department of Legal Studies at CEU, Felipe was a legal advisor in arbitral tribunals of infrastructure governed by the Colombian lex arbitri and the arbitration rules of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá. He was also a legal advisor to public entities in the fields of public procurement and notarial law.

As regards his academic work, Felipe has co-authored a textbook on notarial law and has published several research articles in the fields of international arbitration, civil law, and public procurement. His LLM thesis focused on the construction and scope of article 4 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods -CISG-, delimiting what validity-related issues fall within the CISG’s scope and what others are left to the law applicable pursuant to the rules of private international law.


LL.M. in International Business Law, Ghent University, Belgium (2022)
Postgraduate Diploma in Contract Law, Rosario University, Colombia (2018)
LL.B., Externado University, Colombia (2016)



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