Capital Markets and Securities Regulation Students Visit the Vienna Stock Exchange

April 8, 2024

Continuing the successfully launched cooperation with the Vienna Stock-Exchange last year, the students of Professor Tibor Tajti’s course ‘Capital Markets and Securities Regulation’ paid a visit to the Vienna Stock Exchange today, on 8th of April 2024. As last year, Mr. Andreas Weixelbaumer, was kind enough to deliver an insightful presentation, and answer questions, on the history, structure, as well as the main technological tools and operational rules that make the system work. To the students most interesting were the information on ‘timestamps,’ typology of exchange orders, the role of ‘market makers,’ and on such complex mechanisms as ‘volatility interruptions.’

We – the participating students, Professor Tajti and our university – would like to express our thankfulness to all those who made the visit possible at the Vienna Stock Exchange – in particular Andreas Weixelbaumer, Tina Kolak, and Erwin Hof.

