The EU Human Rights Law and Policy class visits the EU Fundamental Rights Agency in Vienna

May 26, 2023

On 24 May 2023 students on the course EU Human Rights Law and Policy, accompanied by Dr Marie-Pierre Granger, went for the study visit to the EU Fundamental Rights Agency in Vienna. After a round of introductions, Gabriel Toggenburg, the Head of the Human Rights Structures and Mechanisms Sector at the agency, gave us very valuable and honest insights into the working of the EU system of fundamental rights protection and the role and influence of the agency, and took many questions from the audience. Waltraud Heller, project coordinator at FRA, shared with us the findings of a recent research project carried out by the agency about upholding civic space, the threats that human rights defenders face in the EU, and what the EU institutions and the FRA can do to ensure that they can continue to support the human rights cause. Sanja Jovicic (Project coordinator at FRA) introduces us to the wide range of tools which the FRA developed, in cooperation with other organizations, to improve the awareness and the impact of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Finally, Marialetizia Leonardly presented the paid traineeship programme, inviting eligible Legal Studies students to apply. One of the current FRA trainees also joined us at the end of the session and shared her experience. The FRA staff praised all the students for their active engagement during the session. Both the FRA and CEU expressed a strong interest in cooperating further on educational and research projects. 

