Alexandra Andhov

September 22, 2021

Alexandra Andhov is an Associate Professor in Corporate Law and Law & Technology at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She had received her M.A. and B.A. from the Comenius University Law School, Slovakia, and attended Lund University in Sweden through the Erasmus program. Afterwards, she attended CEU, receiving her LL.M. in International Business Law in 2011 and S.J.D. in 2017. Her time at CEU gave her numerous opportunities for self-development and improved her critical thinking, which she feels ultimately made her a better researcher. CEU also provided her with her first academic positions as an S.J.D. fellow and as a research assistant at CEU business school. The diverse student body and program design at CEU exposed Alexandra to a “diversity of opinions, approaches, and experiences… both professional and personal.” Despite the narrow business law focus of her S.J.D. research, her doctoral seminars were “considerably broader”, widening her interests into the realms of modern philosophy and human rights.

Alexandra currently researches corporate law, corporate governance, capital markets, and law and technology from interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives. Her research integrates legal, economic, and technological analysis, with particular emphasis on proposals for sustainable, inclusive, democratic, and fair markets.  On these topics, she has published articles in numerous European and US law journals and reviews, including European Business Law Review, Cornell International Law Journal, Queen Mary Law Journal, and Business & Society. Alexandra has written chapters in anthologies released by leading publishing houses including OUP, Hart Publishing, and Edward Elgar Publishing. Her most recent publication, Start-up Law, was published in December 2020 with Edward Elgar Publishing. Her manuscript with Hart Publishing (2022) focuses on EU financial regulation and new technological developments.

In 2019, Alexandra was a Fulbright Scholar at Cornell Law School. She has held visiting posts at various institutions, including the Oxford Law School, University of Turin, CBS, and UNIDROIT. Alexandra serves as a Chair of the Board of Directors of Finance Watch, a Brussels-based NGO. She is a member of various organizations and societies, including the American Society of Comparative Law, Slovak Bar Association (non-active), and IDA (Danish Society of Engineers). Her interest in innovative and entrepreneurial legal education has led her to developing courses such as Start-up Law and DigiLawyer. Additionally, she leads the Legal Tech Group, and is a co-founder of Legal Tech Academy.

When asked whether she has any advice for current and prospective CEU students, she responded; “dream and then persevere. In that order.”
