Call for Application​s for the new Summer University courses at CEU

December 14, 2020

UPDATE: the Mediation Theory and Skills course is going to take place online. The new application deadline is: March 22, 2021.

Application​s for the new Summer University courses at CEU ​can now be submitted. For more details, please visit:

Application deadline: February 14, 2021

​The Departm​ent of Legal Studies recommends the following courses:

Mediation Theory and Skills

This intensive one-week course facilitates the exchange of ideas and cooperative projects among mediation scholars, practitioners, trainers​, and students in the East and West. In addition to offering an introduction to mediation, the program provides a teaching and training template for mediation training for scholars and practitioners from around the world to adapt for use in their home countries.

Date of course: July 5-9, 2021

Constitution-Building in Africa

The course explores complex societal, political and legal problems in constitution-building from an interdisciplinary perspective, informed by field experience.

It is designed to be a forum for exchange and mutual learning for practitioners of constitutional reform and scholars of constitutional change. In previous years participants included members of constitutional review commissions, civil servants, judges, civil society activists, officers from UN-missions and the AU and other intergovernmental organizations as well as academics with an interest in law, government and political science.

Date of course: June 28-July 7, 2021

