Just published articles by Prof. Tibor Varady and Prof. Tibor Tajti

July 21, 2020

It is a great achievement for the Legal Studies Department that two articles in the July issue of the law review PRAVNI ZAPISI (published by Union University, Belgrade, Serbia) stem from under the pen of our faculty:  Prof. Tibor Varady’s introductory essay in Serb language, titled ‘Law, Justice and Human Exaltations’ (Pravo, pravda i ljudski zanosi) and the second part of Prof. Tibor Tajti’s article ‘A Holistic Approach to Extra-Judicial Enforcement and Private Debt Collection – A Comparative Account of Trends, Empirical Evidences, and the Connected Regulatory Challenges –.’

We are likewise happy that two of our alumni have also contributed to this issue of the journal. Andrej Savin, who is now a professor at CBS Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), focused on ‘New Directions in EU Digital Regulation Post-2015: Regulating Disruption,’ the focal point of Matija Miloš’ article (junior faculty at the Law School of the University of Rijeka, Croatia) is on ‘Reimagining Direct Democracy As an Intersection of Different Forms of Representation.’

Our Department congratulates to all of them, as well as to Prof. Violeta Beširević (also our alumna), the editor-in-chief of the journal.”

