Forthcoming publication: Virág Blazsek’s Banking Bailout Law by Routledge

May 26, 2020

Virág Blazsek’s book, Banking Bailout Law, A Comparative Study of the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union, is now available for pre-order at Routledge. The book examines the different bank bailout and resolution techniques and tools through carefully selected case studies from the US, the EU, the UK, Spain and Hungary. The pros and cons of the different legal and regulatory options are identified in order to reconstruct a regulatory framework that might better serve countries in future financial crises. 

Virág is a CEU alumna (SJD '18). This book is based on her dissertation, which she defended summa cum laude on June 28, 2018 before a committee chaired by her supervisor, Professor Tibor Tajti (Chair of the International Business Law Program at the Department of Legal Studies of CEU) and also comprising Professor Jessica Lawrence (formerly Department of Legal Studies of CEU) and Professor Laura Carballo Piñeiro (World Maritime University, Sweden; Santiago de Compostela School of Law, Spain). During her doctoral studies, Virág was a visiting researcher at Fordham University School of Law in 2016. In 2017, she also served as a visiting scholar at Columbia Law School in New York. These research stays largely contributed to the successful completion of her doctoral studies and this book.

We extend our sincere congratulations to Virág and wish her much success!

