Priora Defends Doctoral Dissertation with Top Grade

January 16, 2020

On January 9, 2020, Giulia Priora publicly defended her doctoral dissertation titled: “Distributive Justice in EU Copyright Law: A Function-Based Assessment for a Sustainable Harmonization”.

The thesis argues that the evolution of EU copyright law calls for analytical opening towards distributive justice theories to assess the effectiveness and sustainability of the on-going harmonization of national copyright rules. Ms Priora offers a comprehensive functional analysis of the whole EU copyright legal framework, a research effort that proves remarkable in scope and methodology, original and timely.

Prof. Caterina Sganga and Prof. Thomas Eger co-supervised the research project. The doctoral committee further included Prof. Severine Dusollier (Sciences Po), Prof. Raquel Xalabarder (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) and Prof. Jessica Lawrence (CEU). The committee unanimously awarded Ms Priora the grade of summa cum laude.

The Department of Legal Studies congratulates Dr. Priora on this achievement and wishes her success in her future endeavors.

