Lau Defends Doctoral Dissertation with Top Grade

December 21, 2018

On December 11, 2018 Pin Lean Lau successfully defended her doctoral (S.J.D.) dissertation entitled “Comparative Legal Frameworks of Pre-Implantation Genetic Interventions” at the Department of Legal Studies. Her supervisor was Professor Judit Sandor.

Ms Lau's dissertation discusses the ethical and legal dilemmas of preimplantation genetic interventions in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The richness of the work is demonstrated by a uniquely broad comparative perspective. The dissertation is an impressive manuscript written in 452 pages (including the table of contents and the bibliography) situating this comparative analysis in a wider social and philosophical framework.

At the public defense the committee was comprised of Professor Judit Sándor (CEU, supervisor and chair), Dr. Aurélie Mahalatchimy (researcher at Aix-Marseille University) and Dr. Michael Morrison (University of Oxford) as external members.

The committee unanimously awarded the dissertation the highest grade, summa cum laude.

Congratulations to Pin and very best wishes for her future work!

