Möschel on Postracialism at INED in Paris

November 21, 2018

On 19 November 2018, Professor Mathias Möschel presented on postracialism in Europe in the "Global Race" seminar series hosted by the Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (INED) in Paris (France).

His talk on Post-racialism : divergences and convergences between the US and Europe was  based on an introductory note to the French translation of Sumi Cho’s article in the recent book in French on Critical Race Theory  edited by Hourya Bentouhami and Mathias Möschel, published by Dalloz. The talk highlighted that Europe likes to see itself as post-racial since after World War II without ever having something coming close to a Black President and that this has a series of negative consequences for racial minorities. 

