Uitz on Hungary's Constitutional Transformation in Cologne

November 13, 2018

On November 9-10, 2018 the German Association for East European Studies convened a conference on Law and Revolution - Disruption and Continuity of Legal Development in Central and Eastern Europe at the Law Faculty of the University of Cologne.

Professor Renata Uitz presented a paper on Hungary's constitutional transformation, titled “Reclaiming Hungary with Revolutionary Fervor.” She proposed using the Declaration of National Cooperation as a reader's guide for the Fundamental Law and its seven amendments. When placed in this framework the Fundamental Law fits among several other legal and policy making tools used by the Hungarian government in pursuit of building an illiberal democracy, and more recently, a Christian democracy. The essay is expected to be published later this year in J. M. Kovács & B. Trencsényi (Eds.), Brave New Hungary. Mapping the “System of National Cooperation" (Rowman and Littlefield).

