Mba Delivers Remarks at CEU’s 28th Opening Ceremony

October 10, 2018

In September 2018 CEU welcomed close to 700 new students from more than 80 countries to the community, which now includes 1,700 students as well as 16,000 alumni worldwide.

Sanford Mba, an SJD (doctoral) student at the Department of Legal Studies, delivered welcome remarks on behalf of continuing students at CEU’s 28th Opening Ceremony.

Sanford is in his fourth year at CEU, pursuing doctoral research focused on comparative analysis of the legal aspects of financing distressed corporations.

In an inspiring speech praising the diversity of CEU’s academic community Sanford explained that "CEU, and what is represents, is better felt than imagined. …  A safe space that allows people to cultivate their self-actualization, promoting mutual respect, and encouraging constructive debate and projects."

