The Responsible Consumer in the Digital Age - International and Nordic Perspectives on Consumer Financial Protection Conference

June 6, 2018

On May 31 and June 1 2018, faculty, SJD candidates, and alumni represented CEU’s IBL Program at a two-day international conference organized by University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, CEVIA (Denmark) on the topic of 'The Responsible Consumer in the Digital Age - International and Nordic Perspectives on Consumer Financial Protection.'

Professor Tibor Tajti spoke about the protection of consumer-creditors in bankruptcy proceedings (i.e., a prepaying consumer's retailer going bankrupt) in a presentation entitled ‘Unprotected Consumers in the Digital Age: the Case of Consumer-Creditors,’ SJD candidates Ioana Stupariu and Albana Karapanco presented on ‘Protecting Consumers’ Data Privacy in the Financial Services Industry: Where Does the GDPR Fit?’

CEU alumni Andrea Fejős (now a Lecturer at the University of Essex School of Law in the UK) and Asress Adimi Gikay (currently pursuing a PhD at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Institute of Law, Politics and Development in Pisa, Italy) were also among the speakers. Andrea spoke about ‘Social Justice in EU Financial Consumer Law’, and Asress discussed threats to consumers in the area of cryptocurrencies, in a presentation entitled ‘Are European Consumers being Let Down by the European Union in the Blockchain Centered Financial Market?’.

The conference was organized by CEU alumnus Dr. Catalin-Gabriel Stanescu, now a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Copenhagen School of Law, whose presentation discussed the central issue: ‘The Responsible Consumer in the Digital Age – How Informed Must Consumers Be in the 21st Century?’

The keynote speakers were Professors Hans-W. Micklitz (European University Institute, Florence, Italy) and Jules Stuyck (University of Leuven, Belgium); the latter having been a recurrent professor of CEU IBL Program for more than 15 years.

