Iheme, Chima Williams

September 28, 2015

Williams obtained his bachelor of laws and post-graduate practice degrees with second class upper division from University of Benin and Nigerian Law School respectively. Afterwards, he worked in a commercial law firm in Lagos where he was saddled with many commercial law tasks including the representation of clients in court. In pursuit of his quest to gain more brilliant insights in commercial law, he enrolled at CEU and obtained a Master of Laws degree in International Business Law in 2013. Owing to his brilliant performance in course work, coupled with an excellent long thesis in the LL.M program, he was enrolled into the Legal Studies department’s doctoral program. He is generally interested in Corporate Governance and Consumer Protection laws – but in particular, he is researched on Comparative Secured Transactions laws of Nigeria, Canada and the United States under Prof. Tibor Tajti’s supervision. The comparison was undertaken with view of using the resultant lessons to propose tailor-made reform ideas and advice to Nigeria and other Sub-Saharan Commonwealth countries in Africa and beyond, vis-a-vis secured transactions law reform. Williams has successfully defended his dissertation (https://legal.ceu.edu/article/2016-06-08/successful-phd-defense-mr-chima-williams-iheme) with Summa cum Laude, and his dissertation is currently being published into a book by "Springer International Publishing"  - a leading Euro-American publisher with a global market presence. A brief information about the book could be found here:  http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319418353

LinkedIn: https://hu.linkedin.com/pub/chima-williams-iheme/58/222/705
