
Invitation for job talks at the Department of Legal Studies

June 12, 2017

The Department of Legal Studies cordially invites you to the following job talks taking place on June 14 and June 15. Venue of the job talks: Nador 13, room 302.

June 14, Wednesday, 12:00 pm: job talk by Cindy Wittke: ‘ Making and Implementing Peace Agreements and Post-Conflict Constitutions’

June 14, Wednesday, 2:30 pm: job talk by Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga: ‘You Have No Right to Remain Silent: Self-incrimination in Ecuador’s Indigenous Legal Systems’

Prof. Tibor Várady's new book, Libatoll és Történelem, appears on the Week of Books

June 9, 2017

This week, the second book of documentary prose of Tibor Várady will appear during the "Week of Books" (Ünnepi Könyvhét ) in Budapest. The first book was published in Hungarian, Serbian and German - and some parts were published in English two. The books are piecing together stories of everyday history, focusing mostly on years during and around the two world wars. The basic source of this documentary prose is the family legal archive.

Farewell to Professor Peter Hay

June 7, 2017

The Department of Legal Studies expressed his gratitude to Professor Peter Hay (recurrent visiting professor) for his 22 years-long teaching and support at a small gathering held on 1st of June. As Prof. Tibor Varady, one of the founders of the Department put it, without the input of Prof. Hay and the other visiting scholars, all internationally renowned experts of various areas of law, our Department would not be what it is today.

Departmental Coffee House - May 12, 2017

June 6, 2017

On May 12, 2017 the Department of Legal Studies organized its 3rd annual Departmental Coffee House where students, faculty and alumni met to share their experiences in and after CEU. After the opening remarks of Professor Tibor Varady, Professor Emeritus, Professor Renata Uitz, Chair of the Comparative Constitutional Law program, chaired and moderated the meeting. During the Coffee House three alumni gave retrospection on student life in CEU and presentation on their careers after graduation from CEU.


CEU IBL students participate in OPL/ExplicoTech Case Study Competition

May 26, 2017

On May 20, 10 students from CEU’s International Business Law program participated in a case study competition organized by OPL Attorneys and ExplicoTech. The CEU students were joined by 5 students from the Faculty of Economics of Babes-Bolyai University (Romania), who acted as financial advisors. In a simulation of a real business-life scenario, three mixed teams of lawyers and economists received on the spot a case involving the potential construction of an