Project Finance Law: Structure and International Legal Mechanisms

Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Room 201
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 - 5:30pm
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011 - 5:30pm

Dr. Anne-Marie Toledo-Wolfsohn is Head of the International Law Department of a US Aircraft company since 2006, and was previously a senior lawyer in Paris (Avocat à la Cour) at Clifford Chance and Allen & Overy and in London (registered at the Law Society of England and Wales). She represented both governments and private sector actors negotiating with senior state officials and top leaders in the fields of high technology, infrastructure and energy. She also worked with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the University Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne to advise East European Countries on their financial law systems. She has a PhD in International Business Law from the University Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, where she lectured postgraduate programs for five years. She speaks frequently at conferences across Europe on a wide range of international legal and business issues, and has published on Project Finance, the Trust and other financial instruments in civil and common law systems.

Dr. Anne-Marie Toledo-Wolfsohn will speak on the financial and international legal techniques used in the Project Finance of large-scale projects, such as infrastructure, energy and satellites. She will highlight the advantages and sophistication of this form of financing drawing on her experience on specific projects (mainly Public-Private Partnerships): EuroTunnel, airports in Europe and Asia, gas and renewable energy projects in Europe and South America, and high technology projects. She will demonstrate how, in a project ordered by a Public Authority, a consortium of banks finance the project and constructors create a project company in order to achieve the successful completion and subsequent running of the project.