Mediation as a Method of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Commercial Disputes

Open to the Public
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Room 201
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 3:30pm
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 3:30pm

Biljana Djuricin is a Professor of Law and Director of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies on Civil Procedure Law and ADR at the University of Montenegro. She works as lawyer, mediator and trainer for mediation in her country and in the U.S., and member of the European Mediation Association and the American Bar Association. She is author of 15 books and 80 articles in the field of civil procedure law, ADR, human rights, law history, law of evidence, legal education, etc. She is also a member of the Management board of South and East Law School Network and the Regional EU Business Law Program, and Director of the Centre for Legal Clinics at the Law Faculty.

Dr. Djuricin worked as Vice Dean for International Cooperation, and as president of the expert team of judiciary reform of the Government of Montenegro. She held positions as legal expert for USAID and GTZ in projects that are concerned with civil procedure law, enforcement law, notary law, mediation and arbitration.

In 2004-2005 she was a Visiting Fulbright Professor at CUA in Washington DC, and visiting professor in other universities such as Oxford, Krakow, Amsterdam, Vienna, Alabama, Nebraska, Ljubljana, Zagreb, etc.

The lecture will be focused on mediation as a method of ADR and benefits of it. The most essential benefits of mediation and other methods of ADR are its flexibility, informality, confidentiality and control by the parties to a dispute. Mediation is especially a good method in legal systems that increase the role of law and legal state, and have problems regarding dissatisfaction of parties with a long duration of the proceedings before the courts.