Dissecting decentralization and disintermediation: legal problems and perspectives

March 21, 2018

The discussion will explore the current trend toward decentralization and disintermediation, which has gained momentum thanks to the digital revolution. From money to law enforcement, several issues arise when existing institutions and structures face this paradigm of governance. Current
technological developments will be presented and discussed, among which distributed ledger technologies and smart contracts. A presentation by Marco Crepaldi, PhD researcher in the field, will set the stage for a discussion among interested scholars about this new (but not
really new) movement.

Marco Crepaldi graduated in law at the University of Turin and engaged in legal practice in two leading law firms in Italy in the domains of commercial and tax law. In 2016 he started his PhD in Law, Science and Technology under the Erasmus+ program founded by the European Union. He is
closely studying the design of distributed consensus architecture and their legal implications.

