25 Years of the European Convention on Human Rights in Hungary

January 17, 2018

On 11 January 2018 the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) organized a conference marking the release of a special issue of HAS’s legal quarterly Állam- és Jogtudomány edited by Professor Karoly Bard (Head of Department, CEU Legal Studies) and Associate Professor Petra Bard (ELTE; CEU visiting faculty). The special issue, entitled “25 Years of the European Convention on Human Rights,” explores legal developments in Hungary since its ratification of the ECHR in 1992. The issue includes a comprehensive study co-authored by the editors assessing the Hungarian legal system in light of the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court, as well as contributions on themes such as the allocation of responsibilities between contracting states and the Strasbourg mechanism, freedom of religion, privacy, free speech, media freedom and due process. Among the authors are CEU University Professor András Sajó, former judge at the European Court of Human Rights, CEU Professor Renata Uitz, and CEU Assistant Professor Eszter Polgari.  

