Article by Professor Csongor Nagy cited in a judgment of the Hungarian Supreme Court

April 26, 2017

In a recent decision on the standard of judicial review in administrative antitrust/competition matters (Case Kfv.III.37.582/2016/16, available at, the Hungarian Supreme Court (Kúria) cited Professor Nagy’s article: Fair trial/due process and judicial review in competition proceedings / Tisztességes eljárás és bírósági felülvizsgálat a versenyfelügyeleti eljárásban, in Yearbook of Competition and Regulation 2014 / Verseny és Szabályozás 2014, 55-72 (HAS Institute for Economics 2015), available at, relying on this article when elaborating the holding of the judgment. Recent case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) (e.g. Menarini) established a novel, significantly closer standard of review which called for the rethinking of the pertinent doctrines in EU and national competition laws. In this milestone judgment, the Supreme Court adapted this new standard to the Hungarian system and elaborated a new doctrine.

