Call for Applications for CEU Summer University 2017

January 10, 2017

The Department of Legal Studies will host for the fourth time a summer course on Constitution-building in Africa between July 3 and 14, 2017 in the framework of CEU's SUN program, in cooperation with International IDEA, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Centre for Global Cooperation Research. The course directors are Markus Böckenförde, Gedion Hessebon and Renata Uitz. The course ( explores complex societal, political and legal problems in constitution-building from an interdisciplinary perspective, informed by field experience.

More information in the attached call for application.

There are two more SUN courses on legal matters:

Mediation Theory and Skills - with participation of Associate Professor Markus Petsche and Professor Csilla Kollonay-Lehoczky. 
Date of the course: July 3-7, 2017

Strategic Human Rights Litigation
Date of the course: July 10 - 14, 2017

Deadline for application: February 14, 2017.

Financial aid is available.

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CEU's SUN offers several interesting courses, which are being published continuously on their website:

