Professor Renata Uitz on the justiciabilty of the right to education at Ereky-ELA conference

October 26, 2016

On October 20, 2016 Professor Renata Uitz delivered a presentation at the 'The Justiciability of the Prior Right to Education - The Role of Civil Society for the Awareness, Advocacy and Accountability of the Right to Education' at the Ereky - ELA conference at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest. 

The conference was convened by ELA - the European Association for Education Rights and Policy and the Ereky Center at Pázmány Péter Catholic University. The event was devoted to a dialogue between representatives of academia, the legal profession and civil society on the right to education. As a landmark event of the conference, on October 22, 2016 ELA launched a new initiative: the Global Education Law Forum (GELF) - Committed to Good Governance, Human Dignity and Effective Policies in Education.

In her presentation Professor Uitz addressed the underlying paradox of the justiciablity of the right to education in comparative perspective: while access to education is litigated around the world on multiple grounds (e.g. as non-discrimination, freedom of religion and conscience etc.) and the quality of education is also challenged on various grounds (e.g. non-discrimination, prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment etc.) the right to education as such becomes increasingly fragmented. This fragmentation is further enhanced by the multiplicity of fora deciding on individual and collective complaints in education cases. In her talk Uitz called on scholars to address challenges arising from this fragmentation in an effort to bring coherence to a deeper understanding of the right to education across jurisdictions.

