Ioana Stupariu (SJD Candidate) Represented CEU at Conferences in Lisbon and Paris

October 24, 2016

Ioana Stupariu, 2nd year SJD candidate in International Business Law, participated at two conferences last month. Between 22nd and 23rd of September 2016, she participated as a presenter in the Catolica 2016 Graduate Legal Conference, in Lisbon, Portugal, organized by The Research Center for the Future of Law, Católica Law and Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Her paper, “Balancing rights under the new General Data Protection Regulation: who bears the costs of more user control?” was presented in the panel “Balancing in the age of innovation”. The conference reunited young legal researchers from some of the biggest universities in the world, such as Harvard, Oxford, UCLA, European University Institute or UCL.

She has also just returned from Paris, where she attended the 3rd Global Thematic IASC conference on knowledge commons on the pooling of knowledge for science, culture and education, from the 20th to 22nd of October 2016. Here, she presented on the topic “Knowledge commons under the EU legal regime in the context of the digital revolution: why we still don‘t have enough”, in the track “Commons as a new concept in intellectual property”, chaired by prof. Séverine Dusollier, from SciencesPo University.

