CEU team participates in 2015 Vis Moot competition finals in Vienna

April 21, 2015

Continuing with a long-held tradition, between March 27, 2015 and April 3, 2015 the CEU team participated in the annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot competition in Vienna. The Vis Moot is the world’s leading law school competition in private international law, with the goal of fostering the study of international commercial law and international commercial arbitration. This year 299 teams entered the finals in Vienna from all over the world.

This year’s CEU Vis Moot team was formed by Alona Kiriak, Ira Miessler, Ani Nadareishvili and Matej Turjanik (all students of the LL.M. program in international business law). Particia Zivkovic (SJD candidate) served as the coach of the team.

 Students spent four months preparing their submissions for the written phase of the competition. In December 2014, they completed a Memorandum for Claimant and in January 2015, they submitted a Memorandum for Respondent.

 In preparation for the oral rounds of the competition, the CEU team also participated in the VIII Belgrade Pre-moot on March 20-22, 2015, as one of 67 teams from 32 countries.

The Vis Moot team and the Department of Legal Studies are grateful to the Department’s alumni who made this year’s Vis Moot effort possible by their generous donations.

This year's participation was made possible by the generous donations of our alumni. Together with the students, the faculty of the Department wishes to thank our alumni for their generosity and continuing commitment. We hope that together we will be able to continue with the tradition of supporting our students’ academic progress for many years to come.

Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywehe8hXME8
